Road to Hana

Turn-by-turn directions for all the stop on Maui's road to Hana.

Turn-by-turn directions for your Road to Hana day trip

Here is a turn-by-turn map to all the stopping points outlined below:
Warning: this route brings you home around the less-populated backside of Maui - and does not follow the Road to Hana in reverse on the way home, which is an option for you.  Parts of the backside road are one lane along a rocky coastline. Taking this route will take you upcountry into Kula, then down Haleakala Highway toward the airport and back to Lahaina.  The total drive time is 5 hours and 31 minutes - without stops.

This is on almost everyone's Maui to-do list and we definitely recommend it.  Here are some tips from the locals:

  1. Leave early and take your time. It is the journey, not the destination that highlights this trip.
  2. Pull to the side of the road when you can and let the locals pass. That way, when you want to pull over for a better look at the many waterfalls along the way, you don't have someone right on your tail.  
  3. Bring a cooler, beach chairs, towels and a thermos of coffee for the ride home. 
  4. Make stops along the way. 


Here are our suggestion stops:

First stop - the Kuau Store just beyond Paia.  Load up on sandwiches, snacks and drinks before you get too far in. Don't waste your time at Twin Falls.  There is a much cooler waterfall to hike to in Hana at Waimoku Falls.

Around mile marker 12, stop at the Kaumahina State Wayside rest area for a bathroom break and to stretch your legs overlooking the ocean and cliffs still to come!

Just before the turn off to Keanae, there is sharp turn to the left and a small parking area.  Park there then follow the pathway at the turn you just past to see some beautiful rainbow Eucalyptus trees.

Back in the car, take the left down to Keanae.  Stop at Auntie Sandy's for a shave ice or some banana bread that is usually still warm!  Then, continue past Auntie Sandy's to the end for some dramatic crashing waves.  Do not get too close and never turn your back to the ocean!


Back up on Hana Highway, you will pass the Halfway to Hana stand.  This is another place that has delicious banana bread in case you didn't get enough at Auntie Sandy's.

Just past Halfway to Hana, turn left onto Wailua Road and park in the church parking lot on the left a little ways down Wailua Rd. Although this church is beautiful, the Coral Miracle Church is located behind the small house.  Note:  This next part involves private property and things could change without notice so always be respectful.  Having said that, each time we have gone in the past, we were invited under the carport (if anyone is home, they will likely come out and invite you through) and to the right between the towering tropical plants to the Coral Miracle Church.  Take a moment to appreciate this magical place!  Step inside, sign the guest book, leave a donation and write a prayer for the alter if you like.  Look out the windows beyond the cemetery to the ocean.  Then, at the entrance to the church, look toward the mountain across the street and look for the waterfall coming down the hillside.  This is a stop that most people miss on their visit to Maui!

Head back onto Hana Highway and continue toward Hana.  Turn left into Wainapanapa State Park and follow the parking lot to the far left to park. At the bottom of the steps, there is a sea cave you can enter on the right.  Duck down to get in but you can stand up once inside.  Wainapanapa is a great place for a picnic and there are bath houses and showers. Hike all along both sides of the beach for great views and a peek at the blow hole!

Then, turn left back onto Hana Highway to enter the tropical hamlet of Hana.  Follow the signs to the beaches if you like or continue on a few miles past Hana to this other entrance to Haleakala State Park (Seven Sacred Pools at Ohe’o Gulch).  Park here and walk down to the Seven Sacred Pools of 'Ohe'o and then cross the street to the start of the Pipiwai Trail that leads to Waimoku Falls. This is a minimum 3-hour round trip hike.  It is relatively easy with the hardest part right at the beginning.  Once at the falls, take your photos and enjoy the site but do not venture beyond the signs.  Remember those rocks at the bottom were once at the top!

Many locals prefer to continue in the same direction to return home instead of turning around and going back the way they came.  If you choose this route, keep in mind the beginning of this road (just beyond Haleakala State Park entrance) is along a rocky cliff and is one¬lane in areas.  The road eventually widens and taking this route gives you another perspective of the island that most visitors never see. 

This route takes you up into Kula and then down Haleakala Highway where it intersects with Hana Highway near the Kahului airport. 

If you are hungry, enter "Makawao Road" into your GPS and stop for dinner at Polli's, a popular Mexican restaurant with great food or, head down to Paia (which you passed through earlier on the way to Hana) for more restaurant options including Café Mambo, Flatbread Pizza, Milagros, or Paia Fish Market – which are all excellent. 

Either way – whether you turn off for food or keep going – you will end up back on Hana Highway either in Paia or in Kahului near the airport.  Turn left (west) onto Hana Highway to head back to your vacation home.

Allow all day for this trip.